Advancing God’s Kingdom

By Making Disciples,

Cultivating Micro Churches, &

Starting Congregations


The Church Planting Process

Our call is to see people believe in and enjoy the saving & rescuing love of Jesus, to make disciples who are committed to following Jesus for the sake of others, and to start churches to continually bring the hope of the Gospel to every neighborhood of Utah and to every corner of the World.

Our mission above all else is to make disciples. We want to see people experience new life with Christ. As we make disciples we strive to cultivate Jesus centered communities or as we call them “micro-churches” that are a full expression of the church in an intimate setting. Lastly, as micro churches are cultivated we want to support the micro churches and disciple making efforts by organizing together a macro church congregation where the micro churches gather together in worship, community, and mission.

Please consider partnering with us by joining our email newsletter, praying for disciples to be made, and supporting us financially!