What We Believe

These are our core beliefs, while there is more we believe we consider these the essential truths.


The one and only God exists eternally (without beginning or end) and is three equal and distinct persons- The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, both fully God and fully human, who became human through his birth by a virgin. He became human to reveal God and provide salvation through his death and resurrection as the perfect Savior.


The Bible is God’s inspired and infallible word- it’s from God and of God for us to know God and enjoy him. It consists of 66 books in the Old and New Testament that tell one grand story of God’s rescuing and redeeming love through Jesus Christ. It holds the greatest and final authority on our faith and practice.


God created mankind in his image so that they would glorify him and enjoy life with him. We are created for relationship with God in his creation.


All of humanity has sinned and rebelled against God. The result of sin is death and separation from God.


It is through God’s grace and mercy in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection for our sins that those who trust in him alone are restored back to God and have a new life in Christ. Jesus Christ is the perfect Savior and Sacrifice, it’s through faith in him alone we are made perfect before God.


We believe that the church is not a building, program, or an organization but a people who have been fully forgiven and saved into being the people of God. As believers we gather together to magnify God, follow Jesus, and make him known. While we are a local expression of the church, the church is made up of all those who belong to Christ Jesus through faith alone.


God has saved not only from sin, but to a new life with purpose. Our purpose is to know him and make him known. We are called to enjoy God, trust him, and follow him in full pursuit. It is out of our relationship with God, we are called to make him known by making disciples and helping others enjoy, trust, and follow Jesus.


While Jesus has established his kingdom on earth already, he promised there is more to come. Jesus promised that he would return again to complete his kingdom reign on the new heaven and new earth. Those who have trusted in Christ alone will spend eternity in God’s presence, while those who haven’t will be eternally separated from God.

We also adhere to the NAB Statement of Faith
